Frequently Asked Questions
Didn't get your questions answered? Contact us here.
Most items will tell you if it is in stock or not when you put in in the cart. If the item is out of stock you will not be able to purchase it. If you would like us to place an item on order for you please let us know. We will be happy to get the item in for you.
**Special orders cannot be canceled. (Items that we don't normally stock in our store)
We strive to provide the quickest and most convenient shipping experience as possible. If you have any questions please contact us via email on our contact us page.
You can return your items within 30 days of receipt of your shipment. Clearance/Discontinued items may be returned within 10 days of shipment or purchase day.
They must be in original condition
For clothing, unwashed and unworn in the original packaging with tags attached
Tights cannot be tried on, must be returned in unopened packaging
Free gifts or promotional items are not returnable!
Shipping charges for order place on this site are based on the total weight of the items you are ordering. It is not based on the number of items being purchased.
This site uses USPS shipping as the primary shipping and prices are based on USPS standards. Items ship priority mail are received usually in 2-5 Business Days*.
At this time we are unable to ship international.
Shipping time is based on when you placed your order. Our warehouse is available M-F (excluding US Holidays) to process orders. If orders are placed after noon they will ship out next day.